Monday, January 15, 2018

When To Decide Your Home Needs A Fresh Paint Job

Owning a home comes with many responsibilities and many of these will end up costing you hundreds of dollars. However, if you stay on top of the maintenance, your home will maintain its integrity for a longer period of time. One of the most dreaded tasks that you will have to undertake eventually is a fresh paint job. Most people are not willing to invest the time or effort into the project, because it can actually be drawn out and physically draining. These people turn to painting contractors NYC, because they want the job done precisely and in a time efficient manner.


Paint Is Faded


The sun and other natural elements can do a number on exterior house paint. If you purchased a pre-owned home, you probably do not know what type of paint was utilized for the last paint job. When sellers are interested in putting their home on the market, they will do whatever is necessary to make it presentable to homebuyers. This may mean a fresh coat of paint, but utilizing the cheapest exterior brand on the market. When you skimp on the quality of the paint, you are not doing yourself any favors. In fact, cheap pain will not endure long-term exposure to the elements, which means a fresh paint job will be required much sooner than later.


When the pain becomes faded on one or all sides of the home, it will be time for a fresh coat of paint. While you may choose to just paint the side with the faded paint, it will be in your best interest to paint the entire home. If you do not, the side you paint will look shiny and new and the rest of the home will look drab.


Pealing Paint


There is nothing more frustrating to deal with than pealing paint. The reason pealing and cracked paint is such a difficult issue to tackle, is because the old paint must be removed, before a new coat can be added. You can utilize a scraper or pressure washer to remove the old paint, but the pressure washer will expedite the task. If you fail to remove all of the damaged paint, the new paint will not stick to the surface.


By utilizing a high-quality exterior house paint that will endure the elements, you will not ever have to deal with cracked or pealing issues. Spend a little extra and save yourself a lot of grief later on down the road.


Is The Paint 5 Years Old?


Any expert will recommend repainting a home every 5 years, especially new constructions. When the home is being painted for the first time, the painter will often only utilize a single layer of paint. These individuals are in the market to save money, while making the home look presentable to homebuyers. So, it will be up to you to repaint the home after 5 years of the initial purchase date. The paint should be in good condition, so all you will need to do is spray several coats of fresh paint on top of the existing paint to revive it back to life.

from Superior NYC Painting

Thursday, January 4, 2018

Tips For Choosing The Right Paint And Paint Color For Your Home

Repainting your bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, or even the exterior of your home can be a great way to make that room or home look much better. You can even completely change the look or your room or home by choosing a new color scheme. While painting is fairly quick, easy, and simple, you may have noticed that there are a wide variety of different paints and paint colors to choose from. Along with all the colors that you have to choose from, you also have to decide if you want oil or latex based paint. So, when it comes right down to it, the real truth is that properly choosing the paint and paint color can be more difficult than actually completing the job. Below, you will learn some amazing tips and information from NYC painting that will help you choose the right paint and paint color for your home.

Is Latex Or Oil Better For Me?

The first thing you are going to have to decide is if you want to use latex or oil paint. Latex is probably the most preferred type of paint available, because it is durable, lasts a long time, and is fairly easy to clean up. However, it really depends on the type of surface that you are painting. When it comes to household walls and other household uses, latex paint will work perfectly fine, but an oil based paint works much better on real wood products like molding and trim. The reason that oil works better on these products is, because it seals stains and knots. However, one downside is that oil takes much longer to dry than latex.

Some professional painters will even use an oil based paint as a primer on wood trim or mold, and then go back over it with a latex based paint once that coat of oil paint has dried.

Choosing A Color

Now, you are going to be faced with choosing the color. This is where is gets a little tricky for some people, because there are so many different options. One great way to narrow down your options is to consider the reason that you are painting. If you are painting, because you are selling your home, you will be better off to go with a white or off-white. White not only makes the rooms look brighter and cleaner, but it also allows the buyer to easily cover the walls with the paint of his or her choice.

If you are not selling the home and just looking to upgrade, you are going to have a more difficult decision ahead of you. Once again, another great way to narrow down your choices is to think about what you want to get out of the room. If you want to give the room a larger appearance, you should go with colors like blue, green, or purple. However, if you are looking for a more vibrant feel, you want to choose colors like red, yellow, or orange. Neutral colors like almond and brown can give off an elegant presence.


from Superior NYC Painting